Culture at Yasmed

Yasmed group is one of the most reputable medical groups in the country. We have been treating patients with a variety of ailments for over 20 years. Yasmed group has over 15 locations and is growing every day. The doctors are highly educated and licensed to practice their specialty. Our staff is dedicated to providing the best care possible to the patients.

Inspired by Diversity

Yasmed Group is a organisation which is made up of people from all different backgrounds and cultures. The company was founded by Mr. K Hamza who had the vision to create a company that would be inclusive of all cultures and backgrounds. The organisation is also committed to supporting its employees, both in their work and personal lives. We offer a number of benefits, including flexible work hours, paid maternity leave, and opportunities for advancement.Yasmed Group is inspired by diversity, and we believe that this will be the key to success in the future.


Yasmed ventures are community-based healthcare centre that provides affordable medical care for low-income families. We offer medical care for any family member and for any age, including children, adults, and seniors. We also provide healthcare services to the uninsured population on a reasonable rate.

Healthcare for all

Healthcare is a necessity of life, and when we have access to it, we can live healthier lives. Yasmed Group has been working to increase awareness of the importance of healthcare. We offer health education programs and screenings for many different illnesses, and we are striving to spread the word that healthcare is accessible to everyone.